Image from Unsplash

I have been making Legos for 5 years now. I love Legos a lot. In my closet, I have at least 20-30 Legos. Some Legos are hard to make and some are easy. The harder Lego builds are Legos with many pieces that are small. How I began to start doing Legos was when  my friend showed me his collection and I thought it was cool so I started. I figured out that he has at least 100 Legos that he has done over the years. When I was 6 I started playing with Duplos which are like Legos but a lot bigger and have less pieces. Then when I started getting older I started doing Legos with smaller pieces and making harder builds. My favorite build so far is a dragon that was 600 pieces. I hung it in my closet by a string on the ceiling. My hardest build was a 1100 piece Yoda Terrain which was 18+. It took me a month to make that Lego. The easiest Lego I built is a small flower which is 50 pieces which is actually pretty cool.         

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